2022-23 Year In Review

Published On: June 1st, 2023
Year Review Featured 060523



Design Thinking Project

  • Sep4
  • Sep1
  • Sep2
  • Sep3

School wide design thinking project which students worked with Palmer Hamilton to redesign a large vacant lot in our community into something usable.



SmartForce Student Summit

  • Oct4 1
  • Oct4 2
  • Oct4 3
  • Oct4 4
  • Oct4 5

Students attending IMTS convention as part of the SmartForce Student Summit to better understand the future of automation, robotics, additive and subtractive manufacturing.

Students Build Robotic Elephant Trunk

  • Oct11 1
  • Oct11 2
  • Oct11 3
  • Oct11 4

Visit by Dr. Pittschellis and Mr. Rojas of Festo automation to help students build and present their robotic elephant trunk.

Students Showcase their work at Business After 5

  • Oct27 1
  • Oct27 2
  • Oct27 3
  • Oct27 4
  • Oct27 5
  • Oct27 6
  • Oct27 7
  • Oct27 8

Built local industry partnership at our Business After 5 event.  Students showcased their work and our curriculum.



Gateway Technical College and Lakeland Builder Association Event

  • Nov4 1
  • Nov4 2
  • Nov4 3
  • Nov4 4
  • Nov4 5
  • Nov4 6
  • Nov4 7
  • Nov4 8
  • Nov4 9
  • Nov4 10

Students attend Gateway Technical College and Lakeland Builder Association’s event to experience hands on experiences in the building trades.

Toolamation and Aviation Advisors

  • Nov18 1
  • Nov18 2
  • Nov18 3
  • Nov18 4
  • Nov18 5
  • Nov18 6
  • Nov18 7
  • Lmi 1
  • Lmi 2
  • Lmi 3
  • Lmi 4
  • Lmi 5

Students toured Toolamation and Aviation Advisors to see local opportunities in manufacturing and aviation.



Students Create 3D Printed Holiday Decorations

  • Dec20 1
  • Dec20 2
  • Dec20 3
  • Dec20 4
  • Dec20 5
  • Dec20 6
  • Dec20 7
  • Dec20 8
  • Dec20 9
  • Dec20 10

Students created 3D printed ornaments for 5th graders at Trevor Wilmot utilizing the skills gained in their NC3 Dremel 3D printing certification and Snap on Advanced Tool Identification.

Students created an electronic holiday hallway decoration that utilized the skills gained in their NC3 Starrett Precision Measurement and Dremel 3D printing.  Additionally, they utilized stills from their Festo units on Electricity and Electronics.



Tech Week

  • Feb9 1
  • Feb9 2
  • Feb9 3
  • Feb9 4
  • Feb9 5
  • Feb9 6
  • Feb9 7
  • Feb9 8

Students completed their first Tech Week where they completed a Mechatronics sprint to program the pneumatics, electrical, and logic components of an automated assembly line. Additionally, at the completion of the week students could earn their NC3 Mechatronics certification.

Industry Led Career Panel

Career Panel 1

Students were given an opportunity to explore careers in welding through an industry led career panel.  Also, students were given an overview of opportunities found at Gateway and their programming.

KTEC High School Receives “Get Kids Ahead” Grant

KTEC High School received the “Get Kids Ahead” grant issued by DPI.  This allows KTEC HS to develop programming and support services around student mental health needs.



Skills USA

  • Skillsusa 1
  • Skillsusa 2
  • Skillsusa 3
  • Apr5 2
  • Apr5 3

KTEC HS created their first Skills USA chapter and participated in the commercial drone competition.  Students took 3rd place in the state and were the only team to complete all four obstacles during their flight.

Field Trip to LMI

  • Lmi 1
  • Lmi 2

Students took a field trip to LMI to learn about the opportunities in manufacturing.

Field Trip to Air Wisconsin

  • Airwi 2
  • Airwi 3
  • Airwi 4
  • Airwi 5
  • Airwi 6
  • Airwi 7
  • Airwi 8
  • Airwi 9
  • Airwi 10
  • Airwi 1

Students took a field trip to Air Wisconsin to learn about opportunities in commercial aviation.

Crew Collaborative Career Panel


Students participated in two career panels coordinated by Crew Collaborative that brought together building trades professionals from across the country to share their career path and the opportunity for an amazing future in the trades.



Students Build Catapults

Students built catapults using the engineering design process to demonstrate knowledge learned in their technical foundations class through NC3 certifications.

Rummage Sale

  • Rummage 1
  • Rummage 2
  • Rummage 3
  • Rummage 4
  • Rummage 5
  • Rummage 6

KTEC HS PTO hosted a rummage sale to raise money to support KTEC HS student led activities.

Last Day Picnic

  • Picnic 0
  • Picnic 1
  • Picnic 2
  • Picnic 3
  • Picnic 4
  • Picnic 5
  • Picnic 6
  • Picnic 7
  • Picnic 8
  • Picnic 9
  • Picnic 10
  • Picnic 11
  • Picnic 12
  • Picnic 13
  • Picnic 14
  • Picnic 15

A group of leaders rose to occasion and planned our last day celebration picnic. Through a generous donation by our PTO our students were able to plan games/events, create student teams, manage the budget, purchase the food, and ensure our first picnic was an absolute success.

Students Receive College Credits

21 out 39 students received at least 1 Gateway Technical College credit through our dual enrollment program.

KTEC HS Freshman and Sophomores completed 59 Gateway credits in their dual enrollment Math and English classes.

Students Receive NC3 Certifications

KTEC HS students gained 523 industry recognized NC3 certifications in over 14 different high skills areas.

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