KTEC Middle School, part of KTEC Schools of Innovation, enrolls students in grades 6 through 8. In the middle school grades, we encourage students to develop their own passions and interests as they build key knowledge and skills.

A KTEC Middle School education includes:

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Project-Based Learning. Students engage in hands-on, practical projects where they apply what they are learning in real-world contexts.

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Classroom Collaboration. Students learn in a collaborative and dynamic environment, working together with classmates to solve problems and complete projects.

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Choice and Credentials. Students decide how to demonstrate what they’re learning, choosing projects and topics that show mastery of key competencies. This is also students’ first chance to begin earning industry-relevant credentials.

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Our Curriculum



We continue the balanced literacy approach begun in elementary school. Students are asked to read more advanced texts and undertake more complex writing tasks, developing higher-order literacy skills. Students engage in interactive read-alouds and word study, as well as independent reading and writing projects.



We build on the foundation begun in elementary school, providing instruction that challenges students’ understanding and application of scientific concepts. This includes advanced STEM activities via Project Lead the Way; complex coding and robotics challenges via Coder Z; and sophisticated technology and engineering projects using Snap-On Tools.



We build on the problem-based, real-world-connected learning students started in elementary school. Students learn advanced problem-solving skills by tackling complex mathematical problems, and connect mathematical concepts to real-life scenarios in order to enhance understanding and reinforce the relevance of mathematics in day-to-day life.


Social Studies

We ask students to take on increasingly complex project-based learning units, expanding their critical thinking skills and understanding of the world around them. Students complete in-depth projects combining research and analysis of historical events, geographical studies, and societal issues. We emphasize group work and ask students to prepare collaborative presentations on what they’ve learned, helping build communication and teamwork skills.

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Career Preparation

Students begin using their knowledge of their own strengths and skills to explore possible careers through rigorous classroom experiences. We introduce students to our four main Technical Career Paths – Information Systems, Transportation, Building Trades, and Automation & Robotics – and begin connecting them with resources to gain industry knowledge and real-world experience. We offer opportunities for students to earn their first industry-recognized credentials, laying the groundwork for further skill-building in high school.

Future Readiness Skills

Middle school is a key time for students to build the leadership and interpersonal skills that will serve them well in high school and beyond. Our focus on Character, Collective, and Career is taught in age-appropriate ways across all grades. For middle schools students, that means:

  • Character: Students learn to understand their motivations, strengths, limitations, and emotions.

  • Collective: Students learn to express disagreement constructively and to listen, provide support, and respond appropriately to other students’ ideas or suggestions.

  • Career: Students develop knowledge of their own skills and use that knowledge to consider potential career paths.

Middle Future